miércoles, 25 de agosto de 2010

The USA and Human Rights

General information: 
Largest city: New York
President: Barack Obama
National Language: English 
Capital: Washington, D.C
Population: 310,076,000
Currency: United States Dollar
The fourth largest nation by total area (land and water)(9,826,675 km2.

"The Human Rights in USA, was formed in 1775 by Anthony Benezet. This declaration is based on the self-truth, in which all men and women are created equal,with certan unalineable rights, that among this are Life, Libert and Happiness."

About The video we saw

Today, August 25th 2010, In Human Rights class, we watch a short video about life in India.
That was an inspiring video, we can appreciate what we have and stop complaining about what we do not have.  You cannot have it all in life; happiness is not based in how many things you have, happiness comes to you when you start to appreciate what you have. 
I will write a very little summary about the video: It is all about Child Marriage, as you know, this is an illegal action, but in some places where education is only for a few people, it does happen.  The video was recorded by a young woman, she told us her history (she was obligated to get marry very young) and show us the place where she lives. This is real poverty, I am not telling she is poor because she does not have an ipod, or because she does not have computer, the poverty in which she lives is awful.
This crime also exists in Mexico, and it is really horrible, to ruin a child's life is one of the worst things in life.

At the end of the video, the teacher told us that India is a very beautiful country, but unfortunately, stuff like still really happen.