martes, 5 de octubre de 2010

Group Rights United States of América

First, we need to know what a group right is.
"Group rights are rights held by individuals within a specified group"
That is the basic idea. In Human Rights's class we saw group rights of India, that was very interesting due to we learned the partision of India into racial groups, each one with different tradition, religion and beliefs. 

The aim of groups rights is to reach the equality of opportunity.

OK, i already talked a little bit about general information, i will put some information about group rights of my country, our "neighbor" United States of America.

In the United States individual rights for all by virtue of being human were only established after the Civil War..-

Civil War, Texas declaration and other racial problems. 
As of 1860 the percentage of Southern families that owned slaves has been estimated to be 43 (Ninety-five percent of African-Americans lived in the South). The slavery was related to sectional competition for control of the territories (but this is not our main topic).
Southern concerns included not only slavery problems but also fears of racial equality. "Texas Declaration of causes For secession" said  "We should have equality of all men, irrespective of race or color".

At the beginning of the war, some Union commanders thought they were supposed to return escaped slaves to their masters.  We should know that Abraham Lincoln was the one who saved americans from slavery and war.


Confederates enslaved captured black Union soldiers, and black soldiers especially were shot when trying to surrender at the Fort Pillow Massacre This led to a breakdown of the prisoner exchange program  and the growth of prison camps such as  Andersonville prision in Georgia, where almost 13,000 Union prisoners of war died of starvation and disease.